In todays market, choosing the cheapest home inspector to save a few bucks may seem like a good idea when your about to drop thousands at closing, but it can cost you in the long run. We are not the cheapest or the most expensive inspection company and I can guarantee you get what you pay for. If your investing a half of a million dollars on a property, why would you go cheap on an inspection? If you were having a surgery, would you choose the cheapest surgeon? If you were buying an expensive car, would you want the cheapest mechanic to work on it? The following are reasons why it would be a mistake to hire the cheapest inspection company:

In and out: With the inspection industry, you get what you pay for. Some inspectors claim to be thorough and are in and out of the property in a flash. At Blue Brick Inspections, we pride ourselves on being thorough so the client can be at peace when closing on their home. It may take six or eight hours to inspect a property, but you can ensure that it was done right. In Texas we have a governing body that oversees us as inspectors, that governing body is called TREC. TREC sets guidelines for us as inspectors to follow called, SOP or standards of practice. Some home inspectors will only do the SOP which is the minimum required by the state. At Blue Brick Inspections, we go beyond the SOP to make sure that our clients are taken care of.

Some inspectors may lack experience: The cheaper home inspectors may have less experience than their more expensive counterparts, expensive as in 25 to 50 dollars. Those inspectors may be new to the industry or may not have the proper training or required certifications. This lack of experience means that they could not identify major issues during the inspection, or even miss safety issues. This could cause the buyer to have expensive repairs later on.

Inadequate equipment: We have the most up to date equipment that sets us apart from our competitors. Drones to take pictures of the roof if it is too steep and cannot be walked on, and to take aerial photos of the home which are included in your inspection. A robot that can get under houses, in areas that the inspector cannot fit or if it is a safety issue. Thermal Cameras to enable the inspector to see things the naked eye cannot. Cheaper home inspection companies may not have the most advanced equipment to conduct the inspection. This could mean that they miss major issues that would have been observed with better equipment, such as hidden water damage or mold growth in the tight crawlspace.

Poor communication: Cheap home inspection companies may not provide a detailed report with current software or effectively communicate their findings with the client. This leaves the buyer without an understanding of the issues that were observed during the inspection. At Blue Brick Inspections, we use the software called Spectora. It is the best inspection software on the market, easily read and understood. An informed decision on purchasing the home can only be made once the client understands the condition of the property.

Liability/ Client Satisfaction: Cheaper home inspectors miss things due to being in a hurry because they do not charge enough to cover the time spent on site. Thus, the buyer could end up with an expensive repair that was not disclosed prior to the purchase. When inspecting properties, we try our hardest to find everything that could effect the purchase and report that to the client via the inspection report. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction regardless of the situation.

When shopping around for inspection companies, choosing the cheapest home inspector can be a risky move that may result in costly repairs down the road. It is extremally important to choose a qualified and experienced home inspector. The inspection company should have the necessary equipment and skills to conduct a thorough inspection and provide a detailed report.